Teacher: Vickie
Date: September
25, 2007
Lesson Title /Topic: Shared Reading Lesson
Five Little Ducks
Grade Level: First
(Strand): Reading and Listening for Comprehension: Students will apply strategies and skills
to comprehend information that is read, heard, and viewed.
Benchmark: C. Demonstrate critical thinking skills to comprehend written, spoken, and
visual information.
2. Predict
and explain what will happen next in a story.
D. Acquire reading strategies.
5. Increase vocabulary through reading, listening, and interacting.
To help students recognize predictable patterns.
To help build comprehension skills and increase vocabulary.
The teacher will show the students the cover of the book. The teacher will ask the
class what they know about ducks.
The teacher will have a hand puppet of the mother duck
and give each student a baby duck puppet.
Big Book: Five Little
Ducks by Raffi
Word Cards
Desired Goals/ Student
Learning Outcomes:
· The students will be able to recognize a predictable pattern of words.
· The students will be able to read the word patterns together.
· The students will be able to identify words and their meaning.
· The students will be able to use hand puppets to interact with the predictable word patterns.
1. The
teacher will spend approximately 10 to 15 minutes on the shared reading lesson.
2. The
teacher will begin the lesson by showing the cover of the book.
3. The
teacher will ask the class what they notice about the front cover of the book.
4. The
teacher will ask what the class already knows about ducks.
5. The
teacher will give each student a paper duck puppet on a stick.
6. The
teacher will begin to read the story.
7. The
teacher will have the students hold their hand puppet duck high in the air and read the words, “Quack, quack, quack,
quack” together.
8. The
teacher will call attention to the expressions of the illustrated duck.
9. The
teacher will use post-it notes to cover words in sentences. The teacher will check
to see if the students can tell what the missing word is.
10. The teacher will begin
to have students read more of the predictable parts of the book with her.
11. By the end of the book
the entire class will be encouraged to read together.
12. The teacher will ask the
students how the mother duck feels when none of the baby ducks return.
13. The teacher will ask the
students what they think will happen at the end of the story before reading the last few pages of the book.
14. The teacher will ask the
students if the mother duck is happy in the end and why she is happy.
teacher will make sure all students are able to see the big book and the printed words on each page. The teacher will provide a safe environment with enough space for students to raise hand puppets in the air. The teacher will set aside time during free centers to help students that are unable to model reading
/ Evaluation:
teacher will access the lesson by observing student participation. The teacher will assess
comprehension and vocabulary from the questions asked during the shared reading lesson.