Professional Portfolio

Fall 2008 - EDUC 321 Social Studies in El

Summer 2007 -- Educational Software Applications - EEL 2302
Fall 2007 - EDUC 330 Reading In EL I
Fall - 2007 EDUC 361 Math in EL
Fall 2007 - EDUC 333 Oral & Written Language
Fall 2007 - SPCD 493A Work with Special Needs Populaltion
Spring 2008 - LLSS 443 Children's Literature
Spring 2008 - LLSS 315 Educating Linguistically Diverse Students
Spring 2008 --Teaching Science in Elem
Fall 2008 - EDUC 331L Teaching Reading in the El School II
Fall 2008 - Learning in the Classroom
Fall 2008 - EDUC 321 Social Studies in El

Instructor:  Charlotte Bradshaw

College:  University of New Mexico

              Farmington, New Mexico

This class went beyond learning about social studies.  Charlotte Bradshaw shared with the class various experiences she has had throughout her teaching career.  I valued hearing these stories and her advice on ways to make our own classroom an enjoyable and productive place of learning. 

I really enjoyed the hands-on, small group activities we did in this class.  I felt that through us she modeled how teachers can engage all levels of learning, not only in social studies, but in all subject areas.    


Example of work

This is three days of a five day lesson plan I wrote in Social Studies. 

 Our Earth, Our Resources



Lesson:  Looking at Land and Water 


  • Identify different landforms and water.
  • Describe the physical characteristics of different landforms. 

Standard #2:  Geography  Benchmark #2-C:1 

Vocabulary:  mountain, plain, island, lake, river, ocean

Read Aloud:  Three Days on a River in a Red Canoe

                      By Vera B. Williams 

Introduction:  Provide pictures that show students what mountains, a plain, lake, island, river & ocean look like.     

Mini-Lesson:  What are landforms and bodies of water? 

Activity:  On the whiteboard draw a table and write a landform and body of water in each column.  Let the students describe the physical characteristics they see in the pictures.

Worksheet – Looking at Land and Water.  Identify the type of land and water by writing the name under the picture. 

Center 1: Art – Day 1-Divide construction paper into four sections.  In first square have students draw one of the landforms or bodies of water.  Label and write one sentence about their picture. 

Center 2:  Use technology:  click on Social Studies Library, select dictionary at

Center 3:  Provide students with large pieces of butcher paper.  Have different groups draw the different landforms and bodies of water. 

CENTER 4:  Library Center – provide a selection of books to reinforce learning. 


Lesson:  Looking at Land and Water 


Identify how our physical surroundings and location affect the way people live. 

Standard #2:  Geography  Benchmark #2-F:1,2

Vocabulary: mountain, plain, island, lake, river, ocean

Read Aloud:  Favorite Places by Seth Coleman

Introduction:  Provide a variety of pictures of the landforms and bodies of water that include people working and playing. 

Mini-Lesson:  Does location affects the way people live? How?

Activity:  Divide students into groups of four and give them 5-7 minutes to talk about the people and what they are doing. 

Apply Information:  Ask students what types of activities could be done in a river, on a mountain, ocean, etc…   have students demonstrate motions 

Center 1: Art – Day 2-In second square have students’ draw another landform or body of water with a person doing a job or at play.  Write one sentence about their picture.    

Center 2:  Use technology:  click on Social Studies Library, select dictionary at 

Center 3:  Provide students with large pieces of butcher paper.  Have different groups draw the different landforms and bodies of water. 

CENTER 4:  Library Center – provide a selection of books to reinforce learning.


Lesson:  Locate Land and Water 


  • Gain understanding that a globe is a model of the earth.
  • Identify the difference between land & water.
  • Find locations on globe & relate those locations to earth. 

Standard #2:  Geography Benchmark #2-A:1,2,3 

Read Aloud:  Three Days on a River in a Red Canoe

                      by Vera B. Williams

Introduction:  Explain what a model is.  Example:  show students a toy car and explain how it is a model of a real car.

Mini-Lesson:  GLOBE - Show students a globe and explain how the globe is a model of the earth.  Discuss and point out continents. 

Globe Activity: Divide students into small groups and give each group a globe.  Have students find water, land, United States, and New Mexico.  Help students find Farmington, NM.

Build It!  Put students into groups of 4 and give students plastic tray, modeling clay, & water.  Have students make a landform with a lake and river.  Conference with each group as an assessment.

CENTER 1:  ART - Have students draw a picture on bottom two squares that contains: land, a lake, mountains, river, hill, & trees and make a map key. 

CENTER 2:  Use technology:  click on Atlas at www/

CENTER 3:  Give students a blown-up balloon, tape, with worksheet of North and South America.  The balloon will represent the student’s globe.  Students will cut-out shapes and tape continents on balloon.

CENTER 4:  Library Center – provide a selection of books to reinforce learning.

Nearing Proficient:  Provide time during centers to re-teach concepts.  Work one-on-one and have students identify and select a picture; name landform describe characteristics.

Proficient: Have students complete a Venn diagram comparing two landforms or bodies of water.

Advanced:  Write a sentence after comparing the two landforms or bodies of water.  What did you learn?


  Social Studies – All Together

  Foresman, Scott

  (2005) Pearson Education, Inc.